Human Ressources & Interim Management |
Find and tie the right people – bridge bottlenecks with interim management capacity
Due to the strong dynamics in the Emerging Markets, one of the most important management tasks is recruiting the right executives, developing them and tying to the enterprise.
Nevertheless high fluctuation rates and a bottlenecks for new hires must be taken into account.
We help our customers to find the right candidates for leading positions and in the long run to tie them to the enterprise by retention and incentive programmes. By interim management we help our customers to bridge short-term bottlenecks with an experienced management capacity.
GPS Network Global Professional Services supports you:
- Recruiting of executives & interim managers
- Top management level
- Upper & middle management level
- Interim managers
- Interim & project management as additional management capacity for executives
- Purchasing & sourcing
- Technical area
- Finance & Controlling
- Sales & marketin
- Coaching
- in Asia: operative coaching for executives, young executives
- in Europe: for Expats before an assignement to Asia
- Individual programmes
- Inhouse training (project management & purchasing)
- Humane resource audits etc.
- Management audits
- Functional audits
- Incentive programmes
- Employee Motivation & retention programs
- HR audits
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